Sher Hassan Hussaini
Worked at United Nations and other Agencies
Author of​
The Reward of Goodness
For the past 30 years, I worked for the United Nations agencies and programmes including Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO/UN), UNDP and UNOPS, often serving as counterpart to UNDPKO Missions, UNHCR, IOM and other UN entities in countries with conflict, post-conflict or crisis contexts. I also work in the ministry of Agriculture in different parts of Afghanistan.
I served in the roles of Programme Manager/Chief Technical Advisor, Head of Office, and member of the UN Country Team, Cluster Coordinator, Senior Humanitarian Advisor, Security Coordinator and Security Focal Point in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iraq, Jordan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Pakistan, Kenya, Sudan and South Sudan. I contributed in the peace process of several war turn countries.
I obtained my Master’s degree (M.Sc.) from India and BSC degree from Kabul University, Afghanistan and received other specialized training from academic facilities in Kabul, Bangkok, Rome, Turin, Amman and Geneva.
I have Project Management Foundation certificate from IPMG, UNOPS Copenhagen, Project In Control Environment (PRINCE-2) and Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) certificates from AXELOS GLOBAL BEST PRACTICE, London. Under the FAO/UN program I received training in Agriculture from ICARDA, Syria and Harare, Zimbabwe.
I worked closely with the UN, WB, EU, AFD, USAID, DFID, OFDA, BPRM, CIDA, CERF, CHF, WFP, UNHCR, NGOs, CBOs, and ADB, government, civil society, Community and Leaders.
I have designed and managed Poverty Reduction, Recovery & Crisis Prevention, development, Emergency and Humanitarian programmes, in Asia, Africa and the Middle-East. The UN teams I was part of promoted Rural Development, food security, and community-based initiatives for income generation and equitable local economic development and Peace Building. As the UN Security Coordinator, I was responsible for the staff, office, premises and assets safety and security in conflict countries.
During my work with the UN in Iraq prorgamme, I had support and closely worked with the US military, civilian Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT). As Head of the UN Area offices in Iraq I gradually established the UN presences in decentralize level and took over the PRT activities when they left the country.
Due to my outstanding works in the peace process and Rehabilitation of Tajikistan, in 1998 I was awarded honorary RED Diploma signed by both government and opposition of Tajikistan.
During 2015, I received the United Nations Core Values Award. In my Performance and Results Assessment (PRA) for the last several years of my works I was awarded performance evaluations as Far Exceeded Expectations Performance.
Currently I am member Board of Director of the United Nations Association (UNA-USA), East Bay Chapter, North California. I am also life time member of the Association of International Civil Servant (AFICS) based in New York.
As an Afghan origin I am familiar with the country’s ethnic groups, languages, tribes, territory, costumes, geography, politics, conflict and complexity.